
Showing posts from December, 2022

Business Leaders: Do You Fight Jumbled Priorities?

Effective leadership can seem daunting in today’s dynamic market, with business leaders finding many takers for their time. A survey conducted across 35,000 organizations found that 77% of the participants complained about a lack of leadership at the helm. Day-to-day distractions, resolutions for immediate situations, and challenges get prioritized, taking the leadership’s focus away from the big-picture and long-term goals. Leaders end up with jumbled-up priorities, ineffective communications, lower productivity, higher stress, and a poor work-life balance. Leaders need to halt and look at the situation in the face – do we prioritize daily battles over long-term growth, or is there a better way to get the best of both worlds? How can Business leaders Focus on the Right Priorities?  Tense about having jumbled up priorities?  Want to understand the most important priorities for your business?  Click Here  to learn a few ways a top business growth consultant shares to grow your business,

What does product strategy mean? What do you do to ace it?

Have you ever wondered about the secret sauce to the success of seven companies like Amazon, Ikea, Microsoft, or Coca-Cola? The common denominator in achieving their global ambitions is their product strategy. A survey conducted across top organizations shows that nearly 70% factor in their product strategy when making quality business decisions, such as the marketing strategy for a new product, research and development, and customer use cases. Startups and Small and Medium businesses can learn from these organizations to develop a winning product strategy for their products and services. But what is product strategy, and why is it essential for an organization to develop a great product strategy? We discuss this and the best framework to create a successful product strategy. What is A Product Strategy?  A product strategy is a series of steps to help companies bring the envisioned product/service to life. Essentially, the product strategy is a road map that helps employees u